Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My First Post!


As I'm preparing to study abroad for the 2012-2013 academic school year, I thought I'd start a blog so that I can share all my experiences while I'm abroad with friends and family. I thought this would be the best way to keep everyone updated on what I'm doing without the hassle of updating a social network and a personal journal constantly. Hopefully it works out!

I'm so excited to start my year abroad, but very nervous! I hope I'll be able to survive a whole year without my mom right there to help me with everything! Right now I'm just working on getting everything prepared... buying the ticket to get over there, getting my student visa (if you ever travel abroad, book your appointment with the consulate like SIX MONTHS early!!! They tell you to do it early but I had no idea they meant that early!!), trying to figure out how many suitcases to bring :/, and just dealing with all of the "oh god what else am a forgetting? I know I'm forgetting something!!" moments. 

Lots to do to prepare! That being said, this summer I'm just trying to make some money to put toward traveling while abroad and enjoy my first summer in Iowa City. It's actually surprisingly laid back and nice here during the summer! But who knew so many kids and families lived in Iowa City? It's like the all stay hidden in their houses until the drunk college students leave. 

Anyway, I hope this blog is enjoyed by my friends and family and I hope I can do a decent job of keeping it updated the whole time I'm abroad!


The campus really looks good when it's all green :)

I'll have to say "hasta luego" to Hawkeye football season :(

1 comment:

  1. Jolene... don't worry you WILL miss your mom! :) Good thing she is planning at least a couple visits over there in the upcoming year. I am so proud of you and all you are doing. AND I love the blog!!!
